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  1. Hand weeding-keep your shrub and flower beds weed free and looking their best.
  2. Pruning and Hedging-shrub maintenance using hand pruning techniques and shearers for maintaining hedges.
  3. Edging flower beds - keep the lawn from creeping into your beds with a nicely edged bed.
  4. Perennial and annual flower plantings-easily maintain your flowers by planting perennials (flowers that come back every year) saving you time and money. If you want that instant magic, invest in annuals that deliver that colourful punch to your beds and maintaining blooms throughout the summer season.
  5. Container gardening-those large pots in front of your house demand something wonderful. By adding a mix of perennials and annuals, your front entrance can be the pride of the neighbourhood.
  6. Light Landscaping-if you need your mulch topped up, compost or fertilizer added to existing beds these can also be added services.
  7. General yard makeover - Sometimes things just start looking scruffy and tired. We can work together to rejuvenate worn out beds, do new plantings of flowers, shrubs, trees to make your yard look new again.